NEW VERSION RELEASED! Webix 11 Read More Core Updates, Extended Functionalities in SpreadSheet and File Manager and more


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Easy-to-use Live Coding Tool for Webix UI

Are you looking for an easy-to-use tool for fast prototyping? Would you like to share your UI experiments in popular social nets?

Webix presents a live coding tool “Code Snippet” that allows you to code UI with Webix and see the results of your work immediately.


This tool enables you to code in JavaScript and HTML, load data in JSON and XML formats or apply 6 Webix skins to decorate your UI.

Webix 1.4: Advanced Data Selection and Real-time Server Communication

Greet new Webix 1.4 that will delight you by new data selection controls, real-time server communication and other fixes and improvements.

New Data Selection Controls

With Webix 1.4, you can enhance the functionality of your HTML select controls.

Data-suggest allows you to use rich media as select options. You can use images or any other complex html content as select options and in the select itself.


View demo

Skin Builder – Online Tool for Skin Assembling

Good news! Now you are able to define custom colors and fonts for a web interface created with the Webix library. We are releasing Webix Skin Builder – online tool, which you can use for interface customization.



You may choose one of the eight predefined color schemes from the list of base skins (air, compact, clouds, glamour, light, metro, terrace and web) or create your own web app style.

Webix 1.3 Was Released with New 6 Skins and New UI Elements

Webix Team is happy to announce the release of Webix 1.3 with great updates and improvements. This version adds 6 new skins for Webix components, new ui elements and a few widgets improvements.

New Skins

With various 6 Webix skins, you can make your apps looking serious or on the contrary glamorous, soft or very bright. We tried to create the skins that will satisfy various style requirements. Moreover, you can change any skin element the way you like.


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