NEW VERSION RELEASED! Webix 11 Read More Core Updates, Extended Functionalities in SpreadSheet and File Manager and more

Printing Functionality and Other Features of Webix UI 4.4

We are happy to announce our new release 4.4 of JavaScript UI components that will be available for download in a week. It includes 3 main features: printing directly from an application, advanced filtering and demos of integration with backend platforms.

JavaScript UI components library announsment

Printing Functionality

Print API is the most important feature of release 4.4 that helps users print data directly from a web application. This functionality can be used with all Webix UI widgets but it’s particularly useful for working with tables and forms. For instance, the complex widget Spreadsheet will allow printing with preset settings by clicking “Print” button or pressing specially assigned hot keys.

Query Builder Widget

Query Builder is a new widget designed to expand filter functionality and simplify working with big data. It will help to set complex filtering rules. You will be able to group the rules and even apply several groups of rules at the same time.

Demos of Integration with PHP, Node.js and .NET

Webix library can be integrated with any server side platform due to its use of universal data formats such as JSON, XML, JSArray, and CSV. Our new release includes samples of Webix UI integration with PHP, Node.js, and .NET. Now you don’t need to reinvent the wheel.

The new release will be available for download on June, 27.