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Using Typescript Types in Webix UI Framework with Live Demo

JavaScript, as a loosely typed programming language, causes a lot of troubles to web developers. Luckily, for the big world this problem has been solved long ago with the TypeScript language that adds strict typing and classed-based OOP to JavaScript apps.


With Webix you can also follow the TypeScript pattern and enjoy all the benefits of static typing from hints on methods’ usage during development to stable applications in the long run. The article below will tell you how to do it.

How to debug code and develop UI effectively with Webix UI Framework

“Debugging is like being the detective in a crime movie
where you are also the murderer”. Filipe Fortes

Want to develop Webix-based apps wisely and efficiently? Tired of red-eye nights spent by the computer screen? Still feel pain after catching that naughty untrackable bug last week?

Then it’s high time to arm yourself with technology and knowledge. Today I am going to get you acquainted with debugging tools that Webix offers right out of the box.


Online Javascript File Upload Using Webix Library

Managing form attachments, adding images to online galleries, sharing documents – there are lots of situations where online file uploader can be useful. Native HTML5 file upload can cope with all these tasks well, but it is not that spectacular, isn’t it?

If you need to visualize uploading process, show progress or smoothly drag and drop files for uploading, follow this article to learn how Webix javascript framework can solve these issues for you.


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