NEW VERSION RELEASED! Webix 11 Read More Core Updates, Extended Functionalities in SpreadSheet and File Manager and more


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Webix in Practice: automation for integrative and wellness practitioners

The Webix team is happy to listen to our customers – these interviews inspire us to develop and constantly improve our library. 

Today, we have Akhil Singh (LinkedIn profile) with us. Akhil is Head of Product at OptiMantra, an EMR and practice management platform that supports conventional and integrative/wellness practitioners (like chiropractors, naturopaths, nurse practitioners) and their patients. OptiMantra’s robust functionality allows these small business owners to manage every aspect of their clinics from patient appointment scheduling, charting/note-taking, payment processing, and insurance billing, to inventory management.

interview with Johan Smith

Webix 8.4: Diagram Editor and Video Calls in Chat

It is still hot as blazes here, in our homeland. Thankfully, the skies have pity on us from time to time and grant the salutary clouds for a couple of hours. Today we, as to say, carpe diem and are here to deliver… Guess what? Webix 8.4, of course! The update brought you a complementary Diagram Editor tool, an ability to perform audio and video calls in Chat, increased performance in Gantt, and other small yet pleasant improvements in Spreadsheet and Core. So get your ice-cold coke and let’s start.

Webix 8.4

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