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Webix 8.4: Diagram Editor and Video Calls in Chat

It is still hot as blazes here, in our homeland. Thankfully, the skies have pity on us from time to time and grant the salutary clouds for a couple of hours. Today we, as to say, carpe diem and are here to deliver… Guess what? Webix 8.4, of course! The update brought you a complementary Diagram Editor tool, an ability to perform audio and video calls in Chat, increased performance in Gantt, and other small yet pleasant improvements in Spreadsheet and Core. So get your ice-cold coke and let’s start.

Webix 8.4

Webix 8.3: New Diagram, Updates for Scheduler, Gantt and Spreadsheet

I do not know how it is in your location, but in Webix motherland it is the coldest spring ever. Yet it really motivates to work hard and stay productive to deliver new features to our customers. Today we are glad to present a new complex widget, Webix Diagram, as well as new timeline and day units views for Scheduler, split tasks for Gantt and usability improvement for Spreadsheet.

Already impressed? Let’s proceed to learn about each update in detail.

Webix 8.0: Scheduler and Gantt, New Controls in Webix Core

In the middle of the yellow leaves season we are excited to announce the annual grand release of Webix. In version 8.0 you can find new complex widgets for planning and scheduling: Scheduler and Gantt. Also, the release includes updates for Spreadsheet, horizontal Timeline, new controls for time and color selection, dynamic tooltips and enhanced Datatable performance.

Webix 8.0: Scheduler and Gantt, New Controls in Webix Core

Read more to consider each feature in detail.

Birthday Release of Webix 7.4: Chat Widget, Updates for Document Manager and Spreadsheet

Seven year ago on July 7th, Webix was released for the first time. During these years the library grew up into the mature eco-system for building web applications and gathered a large audience of developers. We are happy to deliver quality code and support you in your business solutions. Hope it is so 😉

Birthday Release of Webix 7.4: Chat Widget, Updates for Document Manager and Spreadsheet

To keep up with the tradition, today we are ready to present Webix 7.4 with the emphasis on complex widgets.

Webix 7.3: Document Manager, Query Widget and Embedded Charts in Spreadsheet

Amidst the hard times that we are facing now it is important to keep on doing what we do. Thus, today we are especially excited to announce the release of Webix 7.3 that includes two complex widgets: Document Manager and Query, as well as the ability to embed charts and filter dates in Spreadsheet.

Read more to learn the details of these updates.

Webix 7.3: Document Manager, Query Widget and Embedded Charts in Spreadsheet

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