NEW VERSION RELEASED! Webix 11 Read More Core Updates, Extended Functionalities in SpreadSheet and File Manager and more


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Webix 5.4 with GraphQL support, updated SpreadSheet and FormBuilder

Even though the summer is in full swing, our team of developers has been working hard to bring you the new version of Webix. Webix 5.4 includes the new WJet utility that will help you start working with Webix Jet, GraphQL and Firestore support, updated SpreadSheet and Scatter chart widgets, and usability improvements for Form Builder and Snippet Tool. Check out the What’s new page for the full list of updates.

Meet Webix 5.3 with Updated Spreadsheet and Webix Jet 1.5

Spring work is going on with joyful enthusiasm, and the Webix team introduces updates for the UI library and for Webix Jet micro framework. Spreadsheet has been given a number of usability upgrades, and documentation is now supplied with links to live snippets. You can also choose any icon font for Webix skins, including Material design icons and Font Awesome 5. Read further to find out details about the release.

Webix 5.3 with Webix Jet 1.5

Webix 5.2 Release

Meet Webix 5.2 with updates and new features. With the new version, you’ll get a multilevel Sidebar, Switch button and a vertical RangeSlider. Also, you will find performance updates for Kanban and List. Besides, developer tools have been greatly enhanced.

Watch a video overview of Webix 5.2 and read the details below.

Webix Jet Chronicles: What’s New since Version 1.0

Reading time: 4 minutes

You might be wondering what’s new in the country of Webix Jet since the glorious victory on September, 26 last year. There have been a number of feature updates during these 4 months. Webix Jet 1.3, the latest version at the moment, includes the seventh plugin urlParam for treating URL segments as parameters, new getParam / setParam API for accessing and setting URL parameters, TypeScript support and the optional path parameter for the Locale plugin.

Webix Jet 1.3 Version History

Webix 5.1 Release Overview

The new version 5.1 of Webix UI library is released. Now you can enjoy Grid layout and Dashboard with convenient arrangement, on-the-fly number formatting for text inputs, and multiselection for Calendar and DatePicker and renewed Query Builder. Let’s look closely at the novelties of Webix 5.1.

Watch this brief overview and read the details below.

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