NEW VERSION RELEASED! Webix 11 Read More Core Updates, Extended Functionalities in SpreadSheet and File Manager and more


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Webix 2.1: Improved Compatibility with jQuery, Bootstrap and Beyond

We are glad to inform you about the update of Webix to version 2.1. This release presents a wide range of features. Most of them are aimed to improve the current compatibility of the Webix widgets with frameworks, libraries and browsers. Version 2.1 also includes some UI improvements and general bug fixes.

Compatibility with Bootstrap

Since version 2.1, Webix runs with Bootstrap, a popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework, even better, which allows you to build nice web apps which contain beautiful elements.

webix compatibility with bootstrap

Webix 2.0 Released with Improved Performance

Good news from Webix team! The release of new Webix 2.0 is ready! It is a serious version number that’s why we’ve prepared lots of useful updates for you.

Enhanced DataTable

Most Webix widgets have been updated but DataTable has undergone the greatest improvements . Let’s start with it.

Now it has such cool features as:

  • Rowspan and Colspan
  • Header menu
  • Advanced editors
  • Grouped columns
  • Saving current state
  • Advanced filter
  • Vertical header
  • Custom height for footers and headers

Webix 1.10: Fixes and IE12 compatibility

Today it is the time for our monthly Webix updates. This new version 1.10 doesn’t include any great features for now, only a few bug fixes and small updates. You can check the full list of changes here.

updated webix documentation

Though we can’t boast an abundance of new features, we still have two major news:

  • starting with version 1.10 Webix is IE12 ready. Despite this version of IE hasn’t been released yet, all widgets of Webix UI already support it.
  • we have updated the documentation. Now it includes more articles, less typos and new mobile-friendly design. We hope that you’ll evaluate the look of our new documentation as well as its enhanced usability.

Download the latest version of Webix via this link.

Webix UI 1.9: Hotkeys for Controls and Other UI Improvements

We are glad to introduce the release of Webix UI 1.9, a JavaScript library for building fast desktop and mobile apps. The new version includes some UI improvements that speed up apps development as well as enhancements of the skins and some bug fixes.

Hotkeys for Controls

The hotkey functionality was initially included in the Webix API. But you could implement hotkeys for controls only by using custom functions.

With the new version of the library, you get the possibility to define hotkeys for controls (inputs, buttons) in one line of code. Pressing a hotkey is fully equal to clicking on the corresponding input/control. It will bring focus to the input and invoke all the attached click handlers.

hotkey for webix control

Build Responsive Web Apps with Webix 1.8

Today Webix has been updated to the version 1.8 that brings some pleasant bonuses for our users. The new version includes UI improvements, bug fixes and a few techniques for building responsive apps.

Responsive web apps

Previously when you were developing Webix web apps for desktop you had a problem with adapting the same app for the mobile devices. These desktop web apps had screens too wide for mobile apps.

So in Webix 1.8 we’ve added 2 features that will make your web apps responsive and improve user experience on both desktop and mobile devices.

Let’s consider the responsive web app made with Webix to show you this functionality.

Here is the screenshot of desktop web app:

webix reponsive web app

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