NEW VERSION RELEASED! Webix 11 Read More Core Updates, Extended Functionalities in SpreadSheet and File Manager and more

Webix 2.2: New Widgets Features and UI Improvements

We are happy to inform you about the update of Webix UI library. The new version 2.2 introduces plenty of new handy features and lots of other significant improvements.

New Buttons in Calendar

Version 2.2 has brought new optional “Clear” and “Today” buttons to the Calendar widget.
The button “Today” makes it possible to view the current calendar date. The “Clear” control is intended for removing the date selection.

Clear and Today Button in Webix Calendar

These buttons will be visible by default. If you need to hide these controls, you can easily do it with one codeline.

Data Binding

Since Webix 2.2, it is possible to bind data for Tree and TreeTable.

For instance, when you have either a Tree or a TreeTable widget on the page, you can bind any data component to one of them. Thus, any modifications in Tree or TreeTable will trigger changes in the bound widget.

Data binding for Tree

For example, when you select an item in a Tree widget, this item will be the datasource for DataTable.

File Types in Uploader

Webix 2.2 allows choosing certain types of files for uploading. It will be useful for such cases when you need to find many files of one type in order to upload all of them at once.

types of files in file uploader

Other UI Improvements

In addition to all these important changes, we’ve also made some small improvements.

Here are some of them:

  • Optional hover for rows in DataTable
  • Horizontal and vertical auto-scrolls during drag-and-drop operations for data components
  • Improved scrolling on touch devices
  • removeHotKey accepts human readable key names
  • and much more

This new version of the library includes a number of significant features that are useful for building fully functional Webix web apps.

Want to learn more about Webix 2.2, start learning its documentation.

To download the latest version, please, follow this link.

The PRO users with active subscription to Webix updates will receive the version 2.2 by email.

It will be nice if you check our recently added complex Webix widgets such as Webix Kanban Board, JavaScript Scheduler and Webix Pivot and share you feedback in social nets.