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Webix 2.4: Portlet, Range Slider and Other UI enhancements

We have some great news for you! Webix was updated to the version 2.4 which includes such great enhancements as a new Portlet widget, MultiCombo and Range Slider form controls, naming only the smallest part of all the changes.

Portlet widget

JavaScript Portlet is a layout component that can include another component inside of it. Moreover, it’s possible to re-order portlets by drag-and-dropping them in the necessary position on your web page.

webix portlet

Therefore, you shouldn’t write lines of code to change the arrangement of your web page. All that you need is to grab a portlet by the handler with an inserted widget and put it at the place of future drop which is highlighted by a specific color. Want to check its performance? View this demo.

In addition to this, you may replace the default handler with the widget’s header by typing only several code lines. If you want to adjust the moving modes of portlet, you can find useful information about it in its documentation.

portlet header


Have you ever wanted to select multiple list items from a combobox at once? Now you can have this cool feature in case you update you library version to the latest one. Thus, you’ll get a Combo that will allow choosing the necessary items by means of checkboxes. It will considerably simplify your users’ interaction with a final app.


Range Slider

Webix 2.4 has brought a range slider feature to the existing JavaScript Slider widget that enables selecting a range of numeric values by means of two markers. The selected range of values are highlighted with a blue color that you can change in accordance with your preferences.

Range Slider

Validation Messages in Form

The goal of web form validation is to ensure that the user provides necessary and properly formatted information needed to successfully complete an operation. For this purpose Webix Form now has the ‘validation messages’ functionality that allows informing users when they make a mistake while filling in a form.

Validation Message in Webix Form

In addition to all the above described UI enhancements, it should be mentioned that Pivot and Pivot Chart have taken the readonly property, while File Manager has got new events such as getCurrentFolder и getSelectedFile.

If you are willing to get more technical details about Webix updates, you can read our what’s new list.

To download the latest library version, please follow this link.