NEW VERSION RELEASED! Webix 11 Read More Core Updates, Extended Functionalities in SpreadSheet and File Manager and more

Coming soon: Webix 3.4 release

Hey, guys!

Let’s be clear, have you also been affected by Pokemania? How many Pikachus have you caught by now? 😉 Yes, we also were exploring the streets, but not at working hours, when we were preparing the release of Webix 3.4. Don’t miss it, the launch day is the 26th of July.

Webix 3.4 coming soon

What to expect from our new Webix 3.4 update?

Both under GPL license and in PRO edition:

1) Webix Remote for PHP and NodeJS (built-in solution for tight integration between the server-side and client-side code);

2)  Month and Year pickers;

3)  API to hide/show options in Tabbar and Form controls;

Only in PRO edition:

4)  Four new sparkline types (Bar, Area, Splice and Pie) for DataTable and TreeTable;

5)  Formatting patterns for Form inputs;

6)  Frozen rows feature for DataTable;

and, of course, lots of other updates and bug fixes.

If you are new to Webix, you have a great chance and a whole week ahead to try our free Trial version before starting to code with an even better version!

Stay tuned and you will catch your new Webix 3.4 version next week!