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Complex Content in DataTable

JavaScript Table is the most popular widget of Webix UI framework. It is fast, flexible and can be used in many different scenarios. By default, it shows only a text content in its cells. Nevertheless, you can use cell templating to show a more complex content in the cells of DataTable. Icons, buttons, and even other widgets can be used as cell templates.

Let’s look how it can be done.

Checkbox and Radio buttons

The most common use-case is the adding of a checkbox into a cell of a DataTable. It is so common, that we have added a ready-to-use shortcut. Just write the cell template as follows:


and you will get a fully-functional checkbox input.


Working with nested data in Webix UI

We all like to use simple apps where an interface is easy and straight. Creating such apps is a breeze, just put some HTML tags, add a UI framework of your choice, something like Bootstrap, for example, and the app is ready.

In real every-day development, things are bit different. It is common for a business app to work with complex data, that requires some advanced UI to represent it. A nested data is one of such use-cases. There is no a ready to use solution to show such kind of data in raw HTML or in Bootstrap. For such kind of task, you need a more powerful tool. Something like Webix UI.

Webix has also developed an in-house solution for managing large volumes of aggregated data in business web apps: the JavaScript Pivot Table. This tool analyzes and displays data in a tabular format.


The simplest widget that can be used to show nested data is a Tree. It is common UI element for desktop apps, but still rare in web apps. Webix Tree has all common functionality of tree widget; it allows to represent the hierarchical data as a tree, where branches can be expanded or collapsed. Additionally, Webix Tree is really fast. It renders thousands of items in less than 1 second. And if that is not enough, you can utilize a dynamic loading feature to load data on demand.

view: "tree", data: nested_data


Webix Tree

Работа с вложенными данными в Webix UI

Всем нравится пользоваться простыми приложениями с интуитивно понятным интерфейсом. Pецепт такого приложения прост: возьмите немного HTML-тегов, добавьте подходящий фреймворк, например, Bootstrap, и ваше приложение готово. В повседневной разработке все происходит немного по-другому. Бизнес-приложения работают со сложными данными, поэтому для их представления требуется более продвинутый интерфейс. Одним из таких кейсов является использование вложенных данных. Готового решения для отображения в HTML или Bootstrap пока нет. Но решить проблему можно с помощью Webix UI.


Простейший виджет, который можно использовать для отрисовки вложенных данных – это Tree. Этот элемент интерфейса, который довольно часто используется в десктопных приложениях, но редко встречается в веб-версиях. Webix Tree обладает полной функицональностью виджета tree. Он позволяет представлять иерархические данные в виде дерева, ветки которого можно развернуть или свернуть. Webix Tree работает быстро, отрисовывая тысячи элементов менее, чем за секунду. Если этого мало, можно использовать динамическую загрузку данных.

view: "tree", data: nested_data


Ace Editor for Webix UI

Ace is a handy JavaScript code editor. It combines the possibilities and behavior of popular editors like Sublime, Vim and TextMate. Ace is maintained as the primary editor for Cloud9 IDE and is the successor of the Mozilla Skywriter (Bespin) project. You can build Ace into your web page or app with ease.

And now it is possible to use Ace Editor with Webix UI.

Using Webix with Ace code editor

Age of Dynamic Web Pages – FireBase

Firebase adapter for Webix UI

TL; DR Grab the final package from

Dynamic Web

Not so long ago web apps were slow and phlegmatic. The whole page had to be reloaded to update information. AJAX has only slightly improved this situation. Now we update separate blocks instead of reloading the whole page. Hardly had we got used to this technique, when a new web transformation appeared on the scene. It is dynamical web, where the content of pages updates by itself.

Now you can find such elements on Facebook or Twitter pages, for example. Data are changed there without our participation. As soon as someone has added a comment or re-tweeted the post, the changes are reflected on the page immediately.

There are several technologies behind dynamical web. WebSockets are the most important of them. You can read how to use them with Webix here. However, web sockets present a very low level of abstraction. Fortunately, it’s possible to get all the benefits of dynamic updates without diving so deeply into the details of data synchronization. There are several great solutions created by web enthusiasts. They allow avoiding difficulties and creating cool dynamic apps.

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