NEW VERSION RELEASED! Webix 11 Read More Core Updates, Extended Functionalities in SpreadSheet and File Manager and more

Keep in Touch with Webix: How to Report Issues and Perform Feature Requests

We are happy to remind that you are warmly welcome to take part in the improvement of Webix products. There are different communication channels at your disposal. They allow requesting new features and reporting issues or bugs. In the course of time any widgets and controls require updates and upgrades. That’s why we strive to establish interaction and cooperation with our users. Don’t miss the chance to give us feedback and share your ideas using any convenient methods of communication.

1. Forum

One of the ways to contact us is Webix Forum. It is a place where you can share your ideas, suggestions, issues, and possible solutions. Here you can report any problems or bugs and receive professional assistance. The Webix team always encourages user activity and is happy to get any requests or feedback. Users’ questions are considered and resolved with priority given to the development process and support tickets. Besides, on the forum you can get help from our most active and experienced users.

2. Support

Another method of communication is our official support channel for licensed users. You can write to and get immediate help with any issues, questions, or feature requests. Anyone can submit bug reports using this e-mail. We really appreciate it, and no messages are left unattended. But as for technical support, this channel is only for those who purchased the product. By the way, if you are a new user, we have Webix Trial Developer License which allows getting full support and assistance within a period of 30 days.

3. Documentation

This is the right option for searching information and resolving problems. In addition to technical documentation, here you can find other users’ comments and explanations from our support team. You can also discuss any questions related to the articles in the documentation section. All you need to do is to enter your text in the “Start the discussion” text area. The Webix team is always happy to address your questions and give professional advice.

4. Open source communities

Webix is present at the largest platforms such as Stack Overflow and Github. You can ask questions and get technical assistance on these websites. But we’d like to note that with the first three methods of communication you’ll get help and feedback faster.

We highly appreciate customers’ feedback as it helps improve the components of Webix UI library. It is the communication with customers that made it possible to bring vast enhancements and add-ins to many components and features.

Components improved thanks to customers’ feedback

Webix SpreadSheet widget

SpreadSheet is a powerful web widget that helps create tables, keep all the data, and perform different operations. In contrast to Webix Excel Viewer which solves simple tasks, Spreadsheet is a complete solution for working with tables online. It has all the necessary functions that ensure convenient work with data in the tabular form. You can edit the content of cells, change fonts, styles, and types of borders, merge cells in rows and columns, perform mathematical functions, etc. You can export the ready document into an Excel file, or an Excel document can be imported into SpreadSheet. Initially, the component didn’t have such advanced functionality. Many cutting edge features of SpreadSheet have appeared thanks to users’ contribution.

Pivot Table widget

JavaScript Pivot Table widget is another example of Webix components that have been significantly improved and elaborated based on customers’ feedback. Now Pivot has extended filtering capabilities and allows extracting important information from huge and complex datasets. It helps perform various operations with complex data at high speed. It enables you to export data to different formats, adjust filters, customize functions for data aggregation, etc.

Effective communication with Webix users also helped to bring significant advancements to data export to Excel, PDF, and other formats. By the way, some new export to PDF features have been added in the latest Webix release:
• the ability to export views as images (excellent for Chart);
• the ability to export to PDF several views at a time.

Bottom line

Each and every user of  Webix UI Framework can contribute to its improvement. If you want to share your opinions, request new features, or report any issues or bugs, don’t hesitate to use any of the communication channels mentioned above.