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Webix FAQ: Pivot

Hey guys!  The new FAQ article is ready. Last time we were talking about Webix licenses. The new topic is Webix Pivot.

pivot webix


To begin with, Pivot is a cool JavaScript widget that is perfect for making interactive table reports and pivot charts. You can easily embed it into your web page or new app. Pivot is based on Webix Tree Table JS, consequently your data will have a tree-like structure. Why Webix Pivot? Because it allows automatically organizing, summarizing and comparing complex data from database files. To get the whole idea, you may check out our online samples.

Webix 3.3 release

Hey guys!

Someone is waiting for May Day celebration, and someone is ready for our new Webix 3.3 release. So what have changed and what has been added since our last update? Webix 3.3, here we go!

Webix 3.3 release

Full support for drag-and-drop functionality on touch devices

We have added drag-n-drop support for scrollable widgets on touch screens – one of the top requested and long anticipated features. Now drag-n-drop starts on long-touch for touch screens.

Coming soon: Webix 3.3 release

Hey guys!

It is a mid-spring and it’s time to update. Only 5 days are left before Webix 3.3 release!

Webix 3 3 release

What to expect from our new release:

  1. full support for drag-and-drop functionality on touch devices;
  2. additional layout types (PRO version);
  3. Sparklines in DataTable (PRO version) – tiny inline charts, placed into datatable cells to visualize data;
  4. updated JavaScript File manager look;
  5. improved formula editor in JavaScript Spreadsheet;
  6. improved Export to PDF and Excel;
  7. and of course, lots of bug fixes and improvements.

Life is not on Instagram, let us choose Organogram

I remember my school years and those long evenings spent by painting a family tree. It was the first time in life when I faced the inevitable consequences of a poorly planned work – the sheet of paper unexpectedly came to an end and I had to redraw the scheme from the very beginning. That was a fail!



Time has passed and new technologies stepped into our lives offering a number of tools for that trivial task. I also saw that the big world is built around the same hierarchical schemes used everywhere: from simple IT org charts to multi-department companies’ hierarchy.

And although there’s a number of tools for manual drawing of organograms, drawing itself is no longer needed. Now I can simply pass the data into a cute Webix organogram widget and feast my eyes upon the ready-made chart in the browser!

No magic, just code (and Webix Pro):

Webix TreeMap – Power of Visualization

Webix offers a number of possibilities to nicely visualize linear data – bar, pie, area, scatter and radar charts – to match any use case. But what can be done if hierarchy matters?  You may think of a Webix Tree as the first and foremost widget as it perfectly shows parent-to-child relation. But that’s almost all about its visualization abilities.

For more powerful tools we should look into the PRO package that includes Organogram (a tree-like diagram ) and TreeMap. We will pay a closer attention to the Webix TreeMap as it is the only Webix widget that can display hierarchical data on a proportional  basis.

The simplest initialization code is brief:

     view:"treemap", value:”#value#”,  
     template: function(item){  return item.label||""; },

And you get the following output:


1 42 43 44 45 46 64