Web apps are dominating in the modern software development. Born as stateless pieces of HTML, they have evolved to dynamic and smart applications, still bound to the browser and the HTML markup. The next step of evolution is happening just now. A web app is moving beyond the boundaries of the browser. On the one hand, we already have desktop and mobile apps which, in fact, are wrapped web apps, on the other hand, web apps learn how to interact with desktop apps.
In Webix 3.0 we have added a few new API to simplify such a client <-> desktop data interchange.
Data Export from a web app
With Webix 3.0, you have two very powerful data export commands. They are:
Those commands allow exporting any Webix component to PNG or Excel. In the case of export to PNG, you can use API with any HTML content. Yes, you can export any HTML content on the page to a PNG image.
// export the whole page to an image