NEW VERSION RELEASED! Webix 11 Read More Core Updates, Extended Functionalities in SpreadSheet and File Manager and more


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Release Webix 3.1

Let’s say “Good bye” to the rainy weather and “Good day” to our new release of Webix 3.1! Less than 2 month passed since our last big update of Webix 3.0, and we are already ready to present the new one.



Our library is updated with new widgets – SideMenu and TreeMap. We also created a new component – Sidebar, which is not included in the package, but you can download it right now.

What we have in the programme today:

  1. TreeMap;
  2. Sidebar;
  3. Sidemenu;
  4. AutoWidth for Menus and Buttons.

Coming soon: Webix update 3.1

Hey everybody! Little by little, rainy autumn comes to its end and we want to announce our new release of Webix update 3.1, which will take place on 24th of November.



Not so long ago we were telling about our plans on new features and updates in the Path to Webix 4.0. All the features, that were missed in the Webix version 3.0, have not been discarded and will be included in our next updates.

So, what can you expect from Webix 3.1?

Web Desktop with Webix UI

A picture is worth a hundred words, and a nice live demo – even thousands. So don’t think – click on the image below and keep reading this article after watching the demo.


What is it

The demo above shows how the Web Desktop can be created on the base of Webix ui components. Such kind of shell can be used by remote user, providing them the desktop-like environment, where users can access the remote data and work with it. Users can launch inner apps, organize them on the screen, switch between them. All the same can be done with common desktop web apps. And it works in any browser ( even in IE8! )

Import / Export in Webix 3.0

Web apps are dominating in the modern software development. Born as stateless pieces of HTML, they have evolved to dynamic and smart applications, still bound to the browser and the HTML markup. The next step of evolution is happening just now. A web app is moving beyond the boundaries of the browser. On the one hand, we already have desktop and mobile apps which, in fact, are wrapped web apps, on the other hand, web apps learn how to interact with desktop apps.

In Webix 3.0 we have added a few new API to simplify such a client <-> desktop data interchange.

Data Export from a web app

With Webix 3.0, you have two very powerful data export commands. They are:


export to png

Those commands allow exporting any Webix component to PNG or Excel. In the case of export to PNG, you can use API with any HTML content. Yes, you can export any HTML content on the page to a PNG image.

// export the whole page to an image

Path to Webix 4.0

You may already be aware of the release of Webix 3.0 only one week ago with more new cool features. That doesn’t mean that we are going to rest on our laurels. What it means is that we have already started working on the next Webix update.

Webix roadmap


To tell the truth, not all features that were planned for version 3.0 were included in the final release. We were a bit over-optimistic with our previous estimates. Nevertheless, features missing in version 3.0 have not been discarded and will be included in our next updates.

Webix UI

Version 3.1 (the date of release is the end of November) will contain the long-expected side-menu component and auto-sizing functionality for menu and buttons (that is mandatory for any multilingual app).

What is more, the next version will have layouts with absolute float positioning and data-map component that will allow you to visualize complex data similar to the next:

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