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Webix 1.3 Was Released with New 6 Skins and New UI Elements

Webix Team is happy to announce the release of Webix 1.3 with great updates and improvements. This version adds 6 new skins for Webix components, new ui elements and a few widgets improvements.

New Skins

With various 6 Webix skins, you can make your apps looking serious or on the contrary glamorous, soft or very bright. We tried to create the skins that will satisfy various style requirements. Moreover, you can change any skin element the way you like.


New UI Element

Using the advantages of HTML5, our developers have added a new ui element “HTML5 video” in Webix 1.3. With new HTML5 video element, you can make your web apps even more multimedia rich.

UI Components Improvements

The version 1.3 has enhanced the visual part of Webix Carousel as well as its functionality. The improved Carousel provides various navigation types and improved usability.



Webix Charts widget has also undergone some positive changes. Now the Charts can use a logarithmic scale which enhances the opportunities for data representation.



To check the improvements of Webix 1.3, download the library right now.

We would appreciate if you send us your feedback concerning the implemented library changes.

To learn more about Webix 1.3, look through our what’s new list.