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Christmas mood at Webix

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We wish you to share unforgettable holiday moments with your loved ones. May 2019 bring health, success, and well-being to you and your family! Check out an amusing postcard story in the post.

Software development time saving practices: Gantt charts for project management and UI libraries

Managing a project in software development is a challenging task: there are always lots of issues to face, team members who need to be controlled, deadlines that should be met in a timely manner, and tons of critical details that affect the whole project development. In this environment, time-saving practices take the stage and play a critical role: the better you master them, the higher the chances to successfully complete a project.

Farewell to the Old Year, Farewell to the Old Code: Looking Forward to 7.0

Should auld acquaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind? If this is about old code, it definitely should. Old stuff, however useful and cool it used to be, should be left to rest in peace when it becomes no longer relevant. The time has almost come. With the next large release of Webix 7.0, which will happen in the following September, we will remove outdated and seldom used API from the library. Do not worry, because these are really old-fashioned things. There are modern alternative solutions, and the old ones will still be available on GitHub. You will find the details below.

Webix 7.0 Deprecated API

Webix 6.0 and Icons: Painless Transition

It’s been about three weeks since our latest Webix release. We are very happy to have received so much feedback from our users. Among messages and comments there are questions concerning migration to Webix 6.0, and one of the popular issues is still the “Where have all the icons gone?” question. That is why I decided to deal with this issue individually and share the salvation guide.

Webix 6.0 and Icons: Painless Transition

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