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Creating a Mobile App with PhoneGap and Webix

With the help of Webix you can create a web app which will work equally well on both desktop and mobile devices. However, it still remains only an HTML page. In order to create a native app, you need some other tools.

PhoneGap is a free and open source framework that allows you to create mobile apps using standardized web APIs for the platforms you care about. Phohegap works on base of HTML5 and can be used to create native app for all major mobile systems – iOS, Android, Windows Phone and others.

webix and phonegap mobile app

In this tutorial we will describe the process of creating a simple native app by means of Webix and PhoneGap tools.
You can get the final code of the application from github.

DHTMLX Gantt Chart in Webix Web Apps

Modern project managers need a fast and easy-to-use tool that will allow them to manage projects: add new tasks, set time limits for them, create different relationships between the set tasks and etc.
Update of October 8, 2020

With the release of Webix 8.0 the original JavaScript Gantt Chart component has become available. Now Webix users can enjoy the native Webix Gantt. This component is created according to the canons of the Webix framework and it is intended for the integration into any business applications regardless of their architecture and system platform. 

Webix Gantt

Easy Integration of Webix with dhtmlxScheduler

Please note that the article is outdated. There is a new article on the integration of Webix with dhtmlxScheduler.

All the working processes are connected with making plans and their fulfilling. To organize events and appointments or to manage and track the ongoing tasks, managers can use an interactive dhtmlxScheduler.

dhtmlxScheduler is a JavaScript multifunctional event calendar that allows adding a Google-like scheduler into your web app. It can create events, show a schedule for a day, week and month, display locations associated with the calendar events, display recurring events.

Nice news! You can easily use Webix with the above useful planning tool. This integration will empower your web apps with the multiple features of Scheduler leaving all great Webix functions.

webix integration with scheduler

Moreover, you don’t need to write tons of code to add Scheduler into a Webix app. You can use Scheduler as any other Webix component.

Integration with Third-Party Charts

It’s common knowledge that chart is a convenient tool for arranging and manipulating information. Charts can present large amounts of data in a simple schematic way. Keeping up with the times, Webix Library offers a possibility to integrate with popular charts of such Javascript libraries as D3, Raphael, Sigma and JustGage. At the same time, Webix has a collection of its own charts.

Building Chart View

You don’t need to write a lot of code in order to add third-party charts into a Webix application since it’s done with the help of dedicated Webix components.

However, these components aren’t included into the default lib package, so you have to download a JS file for the needed component from Webix open repository of helpers.

This special javascript file will connect your app to the necessary chart and autoload all the corresponding chart files.

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