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Webix June 2019 Follow-up

Time flies… Especially in summer. So, don’t miss your chance to enjoy the warm days. Meanwhile, June is already over, and we’ve prepared for you a follow-up with the most significant Webix news and articles of the past month.

webix follow-up

Webix 6.4 release

The biggest event in June for us was surely our new release. Webix 6.4 has several fixes and a bevy of improvements: the support of Amazon S3 for File Manager, .NET backend examples for Webix widgets, the updated WJet CLI tool for quick prototyping of Webix Jet apps, etc. Check out the detailed release overview.

Beware of spammers

We also warned you against spammers in one of our blog articles. Don’t miss a chance to read this post. It will help you protect yourself from the Internet fraudsters.

New partnership program for outsourcing companies

Become our partner to get unlimited access to our technical database and resources. Follow the link to learn more.

Webix in practice

We talked to our customer Jochen Funk who is an experienced software developer from Germany. We had a conversation about his web app created on the base of Webix Kanban widget, discussed the problems of effective business application development, and more. Read the full interview with Jochen.

Other useful articles

• Web design does more than you think.

• What should one know to choose the most appropriate UI library for a particular project? Feel free to use our checklist.

• It’s often said that JavaScript is a real troublemaker in terms of SEO. Check out the post to find out how to deal with these problems.