NEW VERSION RELEASED! Webix 11 Read More Core Updates, Extended Functionalities in SpreadSheet and File Manager and more


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Top 5 Webix blog articles from January to May 2016: Part 1

Since the beginning of 2015 many useful articles have been published. In the meantime, a lot of new customers joined Webix. So, why not to refresh our memory (for those, who forgot) and to share (for those, who are new) 5 most interesting articles of the first half of this year.

Webix top-5

Navigate your way. Sidebar and Sidemenu

If you’re wondering how you can simplify navigation in your application, this article is definitely for you! Two extensions – Sidebar and Sidemenu will make your life easier during application navigation. While having similar appearance, they differ in their behavior. Sidebar menu is a Tree-based widget intended for creating collapsible menu bars out of complex hierarchical data. Sidemenu is Window-based, can be attached to any side of the screen and is able to contain any view inside it.

Webix FAQ: Pivot

Hey guys!  The new FAQ article is ready. Last time we were talking about Webix licenses. The new topic is Webix Pivot.

pivot webix


To begin with, Pivot is a cool JavaScript widget that is perfect for making interactive table reports and pivot charts. You can easily embed it into your web page or new app. Pivot is based on Webix Tree Table JS, consequently your data will have a tree-like structure. Why Webix Pivot? Because it allows automatically organizing, summarizing and comparing complex data from database files. To get the whole idea, you may check out our online samples.

Webix 3.3 release

Hey guys!

Someone is waiting for May Day celebration, and someone is ready for our new Webix 3.3 release. So what have changed and what has been added since our last update? Webix 3.3, here we go!

Webix 3.3 release

Full support for drag-and-drop functionality on touch devices

We have added drag-n-drop support for scrollable widgets on touch screens – one of the top requested and long anticipated features. Now drag-n-drop starts on long-touch for touch screens.

Coming soon: Webix 3.3 release

Hey guys!

It is a mid-spring and it’s time to update. Only 5 days are left before Webix 3.3 release!

Webix 3 3 release

What to expect from our new release:

  1. full support for drag-and-drop functionality on touch devices;
  2. additional layout types (PRO version);
  3. Sparklines in DataTable (PRO version) – tiny inline charts, placed into datatable cells to visualize data;
  4. updated JavaScript File manager look;
  5. improved formula editor in JavaScript Spreadsheet;
  6. improved Export to PDF and Excel;
  7. and of course, lots of bug fixes and improvements.

It’s time to choose your Webixhero!

Whoop whoop, finally Batman vs Superman is on the screen. But what we really expect is the new Iron Man against Captain America ( you can guess from the picture who we are cheering for) 🙂

Webix extentions


This spring several films about superheroes will appear on the screen. Being inspired by this fact, we have decided to conduct a brief overview of our own heroes – Webix extensions, including a new widget – Spreadsheet which has recently joined the team.


Haven’t heard about THIS cool widget yet? We can tell you about it! Webix SpreadSheet is a JavaScript and HTML5 widget that can be used for building easy-to-use and feature-rich spreadsheets. The widget is similar to Excel or spreadsheet in Google docs. Being fully client-side it can load data either from plain JSON or database or even Excel document.

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