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Understanding Component Data: DataStore and TreeStore

Hey all! Can you already smell the autumn in the air? Alas, the fruitful summer gradually comes to an end, and it’s time to receive a Bachelor’s degree in Webix 🙂 Today I suggest you to brush up your knowledge of data components by uncovering one of the base concepts – DataStore. In the article below you will learn what is hidden behind visual presentation and may pick useful snippets for working with data.


Webix 3.4 released

Hey guys!

We are so glad to present our new Webix 3.4 update today! Hope you are still fresh and rested after the weekend and ready to test something new, because definitely we have a bunch of features to show. Here we go!

Webix 3.4 release

Webix Remote for PHP and NodeJS

Establishing communication between a client and a server can be rather a difficult task. While working with a single component it may cause little problem, but any reasonably big app becomes a mess of AJAX calls on the client side and pretty tangled code on the server side.

To make your life easier, Webix 3.4 provides a solution to call server-side code directly from JavaScript.

Coming soon: Webix 3.4 release

Hey, guys!

Let’s be clear, have you also been affected by Pokemania? How many Pikachus have you caught by now? 😉 Yes, we also were exploring the streets, but not at working hours, when we were preparing the release of Webix 3.4. Don’t miss it, the launch day is the 26th of July.

Webix 3.4 coming soon

What to expect from our new Webix 3.4 update?

Both under GPL license and in PRO edition:

1) Webix Remote for PHP and NodeJS (built-in solution for tight integration between the server-side and client-side code);

2)  Month and Year pickers;

3)  API to hide/show options in Tabbar and Form controls;

Only in PRO edition:

4)  Four new sparkline types (Bar, Area, Splice and Pie) for DataTable and TreeTable;

5)  Formatting patterns for Form inputs;

6)  Frozen rows feature for DataTable;

and, of course, lots of other updates and bug fixes.

Save space, show more – Multiview and Carousel widgets

While football players are restricted by the field area (watching the championship, eh?), web developers compete with each other in an even smaller battlefield called viewport. And the one wins who manages to occupy every inch of it wisely.

carousel widget vs multiview


Still,  you can always add one more layer  to your application and choose content you’d like to show first. No doubt, Webix is always at hand with ready-made solutions for multiple-view layouts:  

  • Accordion widget
  • Carousel widget
  • Multiview widget

Top 5 Webix blog articles from January to May 2016: Part 2

Hi guys!

Today, we will continue highlighting the most useful articles for the newcomers that have been published in the first half of this year.

Webix blog

Webix TreeMap – Power of Visualization

Still don’t know how to visualize your data? With the help of Webix TreeMap we will show you how! Webix TreeMap is a powerful widget that can display hierarchical data on a proportional basis. It is interactive, easy to read and quick to analyze.

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