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Recurring Events Helper for Webix Sсheduler

Hi everybody!

While working on our main toolkit, we don’t forget about the standalone widgets.

Most recently, we have released a tool that simplifies server side integration of Webix Scheduler. It allows extracting information about normal and recurring events, providing collections of event objects for any specific period of time. It is a very useful feature, when you are working with recurring events.



You can install the tool through NPM. Just run the next command line:

npm install scheduler-helper

How to use

The next  code shows how you can use the code to gather event’s info.

var helper = require("scheduler-helper");
var events = helper.getEvents( data, from , to)


  • data – raw data extracted from the database
  • from – optional, start date
  • to – optional, end date

Start date and end date are optional. As recurring events can infinitely repeat themselves, it makes sense to provide some limits (if no limits provided, helper will return up to 1000 ocсurrences of each event).

//get all events
var events = helper.getEvents( data );
//get events for one year only
var events = helper.getEvents( data,
new Date(2015,0,1),
new Date(2016,0,1));

You may find more information on github