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Exploring Types of Charts

Struggling for the correct data visualization? That’s the challenge! Catchy and informative charts immediately win the hearts of analysts and customers, that’s why Webix offers… let me count… 14 different types of charts with 2 functional variations alongside with 2 chart-like widgets for specific use cases.

Yep, diversity makes lives brighter while the choice becomes more difficult. You have to select the right chart for your application as carefully as you choose a Christmas gift for your best friend. The article below can guide you to the ultimate tool.
14 types of charts and how to use them in JavaScript

Life is not on Instagram, let us choose Organogram

I remember my school years and those long evenings spent by painting a family tree. It was the first time in life when I faced the inevitable consequences of a poorly planned work – the sheet of paper unexpectedly came to an end and I had to redraw the scheme from the very beginning. That was a fail!



Time has passed and new technologies stepped into our lives offering a number of tools for that trivial task. I also saw that the big world is built around the same hierarchical schemes used everywhere: from simple IT org charts to multi-department companies’ hierarchy.

And although there’s a number of tools for manual drawing of organograms, drawing itself is no longer needed. Now I can simply pass the data into a cute Webix organogram widget and feast my eyes upon the ready-made chart in the browser!

No magic, just code (and Webix Pro):

Ace Editor for Webix UI

Ace is a handy JavaScript code editor. It combines the possibilities and behavior of popular editors like Sublime, Vim and TextMate. Ace is maintained as the primary editor for Cloud9 IDE and is the successor of the Mozilla Skywriter (Bespin) project. You can build Ace into your web page or app with ease.

And now it is possible to use Ace Editor with Webix UI.

Using Webix with Ace code editor

Material Design in Webix UI

Material Design is a visual language that was developed by Google and is becoming trendy in mobile and web apps development. It is aimed at increasing the usability of application interfaces while preserving simplicity and nice look and feel of the apps. Web apps with this design can easily adapt across various platforms and all types of devices.

material design

Webix team was inspired by Google Material Design and created a new skin in accordance with the described visual principles.

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