NEW VERSION RELEASED! Webix 11 Read More Core Updates, Extended Functionalities in SpreadSheet and File Manager and more


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Creating a Mobile App with PhoneGap and Webix

With the help of Webix you can create a web app which will work equally well on both desktop and mobile devices. However, it still remains only an HTML page. In order to create a native app, you need some other tools.

PhoneGap is a free and open source framework that allows you to create mobile apps using standardized web APIs for the platforms you care about. Phohegap works on base of HTML5 and can be used to create native app for all major mobile systems – iOS, Android, Windows Phone and others.

webix and phonegap mobile app

In this tutorial we will describe the process of creating a simple native app by means of Webix and PhoneGap tools.
You can get the final code of the application from github.

Build Responsive Web Apps with Webix 1.8

Today Webix has been updated to the version 1.8 that brings some pleasant bonuses for our users. The new version includes UI improvements, bug fixes and a few techniques for building responsive apps.

Responsive web apps

Previously when you were developing Webix web apps for desktop you had a problem with adapting the same app for the mobile devices. These desktop web apps had screens too wide for mobile apps.

So in Webix 1.8 we’ve added 2 features that will make your web apps responsive and improve user experience on both desktop and mobile devices.

Let’s consider the responsive web app made with Webix to show you this functionality.

Here is the screenshot of desktop web app:

webix reponsive web app

Webix 1.7: New Skin for Desktop and Mobile Devices

Today our team is happy to announce the release of Webix 1.7 that includes a new appealing default skin, support for multiselect on touch devices, some UI improvements and bug fixes.

A new skin looks and runs great on both desktop and mobile devices. It is styled in a flat design that will make your web apps look trendy and user-friendly.


The main colors of Webix 1.7 skin are sky blue, snow-white ( the color of background), bright green (the color of controls and selection) and dark grey. This color palette reflects the vibrant colors of spring nature that will cheer up your users. To evaluate the flat skin please check our Webix demo.

Webix 1.6 : Full Support for Windows 8 Touch Devices and REST API

Today we are thrilled to announce a new version of Webix.

Webix 1.6 runs properly on Windows 8 touch devices and supports drag-and-drop operations on all kinds of touch devices. Version 1.6 also brings several UI improvements and enhancements in server-side integration.

win 8 DND

Windows 8

After improving the work of the library on iOS and Android mobile devices we’ve passed on to enhancement of Webix support for Windows 8 touch devices.

Now you can develop web apps that support Windows 8 touch devices and show high performance.

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