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Webix 3.0: Webix Jet, Visual Designer, New functionality

Now September is in its most colourful phase and we are happy to present our powerful updates. Today we want to highlight a release of Webix 3.0 that adds two absolutely new ways to build a Webix based app and new features, which are unique, and can’t be found in any other HTML frameworks.

Webix 3.0


Let’s start with 2 major updates.

Webix Jet – framework that works

Webix UI helps you to create apps faster by providing rich widgets. Still the whole app is more complex than just a set of widgets. Developers also need to arrange their code nicely as well as solve such tasks as app routing, state saving, code re-usage and etc. To cover all above concerns, we are introducing micro framework Webix Jet as part of the release. It will definitely save your time and efforts.

Coming Out: Webix Update 3.0

Hey everyone!

September 22 – mark the date in your calendar, because exactly on this day we will be glad to present our new major update – Webix 3.0. As autumn is a start of a working year, we decided to start it with a big upgrade.

Webix 3.0


What September 22 will bring:

  1. Webix Jet – a micro framework on top of Webix UI, which will allow you to combine and reuse all of diverse and separate UI components, and to create and develop your perfect app with minimal code footprint and without any stress.
  2. Visual designer – a tool for creating UI by drag and drop.
  3. New, even more powerful functionality for grids: Sub-rows, Sub-grid, Sub-form.
    a) ability to show really complex data in the datatables
    b) nested tables
    c) master and slave data in the same table
  4. Import/Export to PNG and Excel – no longer need to take screenshots or start separate tables. It definitely simplifies tasks’ solving and saves your time.

As usual, we have something to share.

Stay tuned and see you next week!

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Meet the Updated Webix Skin Builder

Right after the release of Webix 2.5 we’ve updated our online developer tool Webix Skin Builder. Since this upgrade, it has an built-in Material skin and small UX enhancements.

For those who haven’t used Skin Builder yet, we’ll explain the practical use of this handy designer tool. It allows creating custom skins for the UI of your web apps as well as provides you with the existing set of skins.

Material Skin

When we’ve firstly announced the possibility to apply the Material skin to your web app built with Webix, the skin wasn’t included into the library package. To download it you had to go to the special repository and take the skin there. Now this skin is available right from our Skin Builder tool.

Webix Skin Builder

Webix Skin Builder will also delight you with an improved UI. Just check it to be sure that it works and looks better.

Webix 2.5: MS Edge Support, Major Updates in Pivot and Kanban

We are glad to announce our small but effective and long-expected Webix update 2.5! Firstly, we can boast of Microsoft Edge support. Despite this new browser for Windows 10 hasn’t been released yet, Webix widgets already support it. Secondly, we’ve improved our complex widgets such as Pivot and Kanban, as well as added an opportunity to block time in Calendar widget. And the final traditional update is bugs fixing.

If you are too busy to read the whole post, you can download a new library version here.

Microsoft Edge ready

Since the version 2.5, Webix supports Microsoft Edge, which is a default browser for upcoming Windows 10. Microsoft has announced that it would have plenty of JS improvements over IE11 and similar performance to Chrome and Firefox browsers.

Webix with MS Edge support

Webix is MS Edge ready, which means that your web apps will run flawlessly across a new cutting edge browser as soon as it is officially released (on July, 29).

Using Webix in Open Source

We love open source and are willing to make this part of Webix community bigger and happier. Starting from Webix 2.4, in addition to the ability to use Webix in GPL projects, we add a FLOSS Exception to the existing GPL License. Thanks to this update, you can use Webix in your applications distributed under MIT, BSD and other open source licenses!

Webix loves open source

Thus, you can use Webix in open source projects that exists under a license that is a part of the FLOSS Exception List without taking into consideration the GPLv3 restrictions. The only requirement implies that your open source project should be intended for using by end-users but not for creating a library for software development purposes.

FLOSS License List

Want to know which FLOSS licenses can Webix be distributed under?

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