NEW VERSION RELEASED! Webix 11 Read More Core Updates, Extended Functionalities in SpreadSheet and File Manager and more


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New Year mood at Webix

New Year mood at Webix

Webix team is congratulating our dear customers with the upcoming holidays! We wish you all the best in 2021. Let all viruses keep away. Stay safe, loved and successful for the whole year! And Webix will continue surprising you with our solutions.

Webix 8.1: Report Manager, Gantt and Scheduler Updates

At last the winter has come. Apart from snow and Christmas vibes it brings something else to you! It’s been a while since our previous update and today we are happy to deliver Webix 8.1 including the long-awaited Report Manager, advanced Gantt updates, and solution for time zones in Scheduler. So let’s explore!

Webix 8.1

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