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Webix in practice: WizXpert – summing up a year later

Today we have a rare opportunity to learn how the business of one of the most experienced Webix users is developing. We talk to Valery Kuznetsov, an author of the cloud platform for developing software solutions WizXpert. 

A year ago, we interviewed Valery. He told us about the experience of creating a new platform, his own version of the cloud IDE. Today we will discuss the changes and how the development of this project is progressing. 

Webix in practice -  Valery Kuznetsov

New Strategy of Complex Widgets: Why Webix Jet

This year we have worked out a new concept of complex widgets and have already released the new ones: File Manager, Document Manager, Query, and User Manager. They were built from scratch as fully configurable Webix Jet app modules, which makes them flexible, powerful… and yet not very easy to master regarding the code. However once you grasp the concept, it opens great opportunities.

Life after File Manager 7.2: The benefits of Jet-based widgets

Let’s explore the technical features of the new widgets and learn of all the benefits of the Jet-based approach.

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