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Ace Editor for Webix UI

Ace is a handy JavaScript code editor. It combines the possibilities and behavior of popular editors like Sublime, Vim and TextMate. Ace is maintained as the primary editor for Cloud9 IDE and is the successor of the Mozilla Skywriter (Bespin) project. You can build Ace into your web page or app with ease.

And now it is possible to use Ace Editor with Webix UI.

Using Webix with Ace code editor

Age of Dynamic Web Pages – FireBase

Firebase adapter for Webix UI

TL; DR Grab the final package from

Dynamic Web

Not so long ago web apps were slow and phlegmatic. The whole page had to be reloaded to update information. AJAX has only slightly improved this situation. Now we update separate blocks instead of reloading the whole page. Hardly had we got used to this technique, when a new web transformation appeared on the scene. It is dynamical web, where the content of pages updates by itself.

Now you can find such elements on Facebook or Twitter pages, for example. Data are changed there without our participation. As soon as someone has added a comment or re-tweeted the post, the changes are reflected on the page immediately.

There are several technologies behind dynamical web. WebSockets are the most important of them. You can read how to use them with Webix here. However, web sockets present a very low level of abstraction. Fortunately, it’s possible to get all the benefits of dynamic updates without diving so deeply into the details of data synchronization. There are several great solutions created by web enthusiasts. They allow avoiding difficulties and creating cool dynamic apps.

Manage Your Customers with Webix CRM

*The product is discontinued.

Our company XB Software Ltd. has recently released its own CRM system that is mostly based on the Webix library. It is a necessary tool for most sales or service-related companies that are seeking to build and maintain strong relationships with existing customers as well as to look for new ones.

Webix CRM has a user-friendly Material Design interface and allows storing a client base of any size, preserving the history of customer interactions (emails, phone calls, etc.), grouping contacts by specific categories and more.

webix crm

Let’s learn about numerous Webix CRM functions in more detail.

Animation in Webix UI

While providing many UI options, Webix is quite short of animations. It can be easily changed though. Let’s check how to add nice animation effects for different Webix controls.

Carousel, MultiView, TabView

TabView is one of two components that have a built-in support for animation. When you are changing the active tab, a new one is shown with some animation. You can use the animate property to configure the details of animation

Code of demo

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