NEW VERSION RELEASED! Webix 11 Read More Core Updates, Extended Functionalities in SpreadSheet and File Manager and more


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Coming soon: Webix 3.3 release

Hey guys!

It is a mid-spring and it’s time to update. Only 5 days are left before Webix 3.3 release!

Webix 3 3 release

What to expect from our new release:

  1. full support for drag-and-drop functionality on touch devices;
  2. additional layout types (PRO version);
  3. Sparklines in DataTable (PRO version) – tiny inline charts, placed into datatable cells to visualize data;
  4. updated JavaScript File manager look;
  5. improved formula editor in JavaScript Spreadsheet;
  6. improved Export to PDF and Excel;
  7. and of course, lots of bug fixes and improvements.

Release Webix 3.2: SpreadSheet Widget, Rangechart and New Widgets Features

Hey everyone!

Now, while the last days of winter are going by, we are happy to present the first release of the year – Webix 3.2.

Webix 3.2 released


And definitely we would like to start with the most important part of our release – the new widget.

Spreadsheet widget

The truly outstanding hallmark of the February release is a feature-rich Spreadsheet widget that allows editing data in Excel-like manner. Being fully client-side it can load data either from plain JSON or database or even Excel document.

Spreadsheet allows you not only to format text values within cells but also define custom dimensions for cells, merge them into spans, copypaste the cells as well as calculate their values using Excel mathematical functions.  During data editing you can revert all the changes you’ve made and apply them back, if needed.

Coming soon: Webix update 3.2

Hey guys!

I’m sure that all of you already feel the smell of an upcoming spring, while we definitely feel the approach of the first major update in this year – Webix 3.2, which is scheduled for release on February 24th.

webix release 3.2


What we are going to share:

  • SpreadSheet widget – a new great widget, which is similar to Excel or spreadsheet in Google docs;
  • undo functionality – to revert data changes within all data components;
  • export to PDF for all data components;
  • and, of course, plenty of fixes and small improvements.

Happy Holidays!

Pre-Christmas Hi to everyone!

Many of you have already prepared a new recipe for cooking a turkey and cranberry sauce and decorated the Christmas tree. We hope that this year was as productive for you as it was for us. In the New Year we wish you to smile all the time and always stay positive. We are looking forward to further fruitful cooperation with you. And as we all know, the best is always ahead.

Webix Discount


During the holidays, from the 24th of December till the 8th of January, we offer you 30% discount on the purchase of Webix Developer Pack. So besides buying gifts for friends and relatives, you will have a wonderful chance to treat yourself with a pleasant Christmas gift 🙂

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Magic holidays to everyone.


Release Webix 3.1

Let’s say “Good bye” to the rainy weather and “Good day” to our new release of Webix 3.1! Less than 2 month passed since our last big update of Webix 3.0, and we are already ready to present the new one.



Our library is updated with new widgets – SideMenu and TreeMap. We also created a new component – Sidebar, which is not included in the package, but you can download it right now.

What we have in the programme today:

  1. TreeMap;
  2. Sidebar;
  3. Sidemenu;
  4. AutoWidth for Menus and Buttons.

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