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Creating a Location Viewer App with Webix UI

Just a couple of years ago, it was hard to imagine that remote work could be the norm of everyday life. But today, it is a common thing. A lot of employees don’t want to spend precious time commuting during rush hour to their workplace in the center of a huge city.

There are much more pleasant things to do instead. You can spend this time reading a fascinating book, drinking a cup of coffee and petting your beloved cat. All of these things can be done while sitting on a balcony overlooking the sea. Do you think it is only a dream? No! It is the daily routine of many IT professionals and not only.

Based on such specifics of work, the company’s managers may have additional worries. It is about tracking the location of staff and synchronizing their work schedules. And in this article, I’m going to show you how to solve such difficulties using the Webix components and third-party solutions.

You can find the full source code and a live demo here.

Location Viewer App

Webix Roadmap for 2022

Today, at the beginning of 2022, we want to announce our ambitious plans for the upcoming year. As you know, each year we try to create something new for our customers and admirers of web technologies. And this year is by far no exception. Let’s dive into details of the upcoming features and upgrades of the Webix UI library.

New Webix Pivot – New Features

The main fall release of 2021 was marked by a number of important updates to the Webix library. Among other changes, a special place is kept to a deep update of one of the complex widgets of the library. And this article is dedicated to the flagship of the 9.0 release, namely, the new Webix JavaScript Pivot widget. Let’s figure out what has been changed and how the updates affected the functionality, interface and code in general.

Creating a ToDoList app with Webix UI

Every day we have to deal with a huge number of different tasks. It can be a business meeting, dinner with relatives, yoga class, or just cleaning. To hold all these events in mind and get everywhere on time, we need to either have a phenomenal memory or use “the benefits of technological progress”.

It just so happens that I don’t have enough competence to give you advice on boosting memory 🙂 Perhaps a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition can improve the situation, but that’s all I can share.

In this article I want to talk about creating a small ToDoList app based on the Webix UI components. This tool will help you manage your daily tasks more effectively and will always be right on the hand (on your phone or laptop).

You can find the full source code and live demo here.

Webix ToDoList app

Создаем ToDoList приложение с Webix UI

Каждый день нам приходится работать с огромным количеством различных задач. Это могут быть рабочие встречи, ужин с родственниками, занятие йогой или банальная уборка. А для того чтобы все это помнить и везде успевать, нам нужно либо развить у себя феноменальную память, либо использовать “плоды технического прогресса”.

Так уж случилось, что у меня нет достаточной компетенции, чтобы давать вам советы по улучшению памяти 🙂 Возможно, здоровый образ жизни и правильное питание могут улучшить ситуацию, но этим мои знания и ограничиваются.

А в этой статье я хочу поговорить о том, как создать небольшое ToDoList приложение на основе компонентов библиотеки Webix, которое поможет вам эффективно управлять ежедневными задачами и всегда будет у вас под рукой (в телефоне или лэптопе).

С кодом готового приложения и живой демкой вы можете ознакомиться здесь.

Webix ToDoList app

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