NEW VERSION RELEASED! Webix 11 Read More Core Updates, Extended Functionalities in SpreadSheet and File Manager and more


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It’s time to choose your Webixhero!

Whoop whoop, finally Batman vs Superman is on the screen. But what we really expect is the new Iron Man against Captain America ( you can guess from the picture who we are cheering for) 🙂

Webix extentions


This spring several films about superheroes will appear on the screen. Being inspired by this fact, we have decided to conduct a brief overview of our own heroes – Webix extensions, including a new widget – Spreadsheet which has recently joined the team.


Haven’t heard about THIS cool widget yet? We can tell you about it! Webix SpreadSheet is a JavaScript and HTML5 widget that can be used for building easy-to-use and feature-rich spreadsheets. The widget is similar to Excel or spreadsheet in Google docs. Being fully client-side it can load data either from plain JSON or database or even Excel document.

Webix FAQ: Licenses

Hey everyone!

New week, new beginning. The number of our subscribers and customers is growing, and we are certainly pleased with that. 🙂 But the more customers appear, the more questions are asked. As a result, the idea of creating a series of articles considering answers on questions related to a particular topic was born. Today we’ll speak about Webix License.

Webix license


There are a couple of ways of how you can get our product:

  1. you can download free Trial version, to start and to try our Pro Edition, which has advanced functionality, goes under Webix Developer license and can be distributed in commercial projects. You can use Webix trial version for 1 month only.;
  2. you can download Standard Edition, which has standard functionality, goes under Open source (GNU GPLv3) and can’t be distributed in not open source projects;
  3. and finally, you can purchase any of our existing licenses, receive an email with the link, download the package and start developing.

Dynamic Loading. Fetching Unlimited Number of Records from Server Side

Hi everybody. Today we will be speaking about Webix ways to optimize server-client communication in case of huge data. Those of you who are happy to fetch long datasets at once, please raise your hands!

Webix dynamic loading


Just as I’ve expected, nobody’s here.  Everybody has gone to dynamic loading which is implemented very easily with Webix data components.

  view:"datatable", url:"mydata.php", datafetch:100

Initially, a limited number of records (e.g. 100) is loaded, while further requests are triggered by scrolling or paging automatically. Guys, isn’t it nice?

Still, such a pattern requires quite a specific format of a server response –  {data:[ /*array of records*/], pos:0, total_count:100  } – and you may ask yourself: “So what should I do, if I cannot tune the response or I don’t know the total length of server-side data?” Indeed, there are lots of web services that do not provide such information.

The article below shows the solution that relies totally on Webix public API and can be built by any of you.

DiCaprio got Oscar, now you can get Visual Designer!

Hey guys!

Today we have 3 good news at once! First of all, Leonardo DiCaprio finally won the Oscar, secondly, spring is coming tomorrow. One more piece of news is just a short reminder that last week we released our new widget – JS Spreadsheet.

Visual designer


That part of our customers/subscribers or simply readers who believed in his victory and took part in our Leo marathon should be especially happy today. According to the rules of our previous post, they will receive a free Pro version of our Visual Designer. To get it, just email us or leave a comment with your email under this post or at the forum. For everyone else  Visual Designer will be available in early March.

Release Webix 3.2: SpreadSheet Widget, Rangechart and New Widgets Features

Hey everyone!

Now, while the last days of winter are going by, we are happy to present the first release of the year – Webix 3.2.

Webix 3.2 released


And definitely we would like to start with the most important part of our release – the new widget.

Spreadsheet widget

The truly outstanding hallmark of the February release is a feature-rich Spreadsheet widget that allows editing data in Excel-like manner. Being fully client-side it can load data either from plain JSON or database or even Excel document.

Spreadsheet allows you not only to format text values within cells but also define custom dimensions for cells, merge them into spans, copypaste the cells as well as calculate their values using Excel mathematical functions.  During data editing you can revert all the changes you’ve made and apply them back, if needed.

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