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Creating Rich Customizable Tooltips with Webix

The long-awaited feature has finally come into the world! Webix Tooltips can be added anywhere. If you want to create stylish and useful tooltips for different elements of your web application, join me. You will learn how to create tooltips for DataTable headers and footers, controls, and HTML elements inside or outside Webix views. So let’s start our journey.

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How to Get PDF Reports from Webix Apps in the Most Convenient Way

With Webix UI library you can export any tabular app data into a PDF file. The recent Webix 6.2 offers even more capabilities regarding this feature. Now you can save views as images, format data specifically for the report, place several widgets into one PDF file, and enjoy many other useful functionalities. Make sure you haven’t missed any long-awaited updates.

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How to Сreate Multi-line Inputs for Homogeneous User Data

Very often you have to design web apps that collect a lot of monotonous data from users, e.g., information about their previous employment, skills, working hours, preferences, etc. This is when you face the time-consuming necessity to write code for many repeated input fields and maintain value processing logic.

Surely, you can solve this issue by allowing users to write anything their heart desires in a textarea. But such an approach has nothing to do with a user-friendly interface. Besides, processing the collected information can become a real headache in this case.

A better solution is creating one dynamic control which you’ll be able to apply multiple times to your complicated forms. Sounds interesting? Read on to learn how to do it.

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Dashboards: Tips for Young (and Aspiring) App-Builders

Reading time: 3 minutes

More tips and tricks from Webix await you today! If you want to know more about building good-looking interfaces, read on. You will learn more about creating dashboards, turning simple widgets into something more sophisticated and developing with Webix Jet.

I also have a demo for you, so grab the sources from

Dashboards: Tips for Young (and Aspiring) App-Builders

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